Let your child's inner naturalist blossom - join us at Forest Fridays! The monthly programming includes nature-based science lessons, creative play, sensory exploration, stories, games, and crafts specific to each weekly theme. Sign up for a single day, multiple days, or the whole season! We look forward to spending time with your little learner at Forest Fridays! Ages 4 - 7
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Maywood Environmental Park, 3615 Mueller Road, Sheboygan, WI 53083. YMCA Member - $40.00 per child per day Non-Member - $47.00 per child per day
Questions or want more information?! Please contact nbielski@sheboygancountyymca.org Forest Fridays (YMCA Camp Y-Koda)
Date and Time
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM CST
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